CBOSSadvt is an effective advertising tool which enables adding ads to standard replies to customer requests. CBOSSadvt allows the telecom operator to notify the subscribers of new services, tariffs, or campaigns. This also is a new channel of communication between third-party companies and consumers.
When a subscriber’s USSD, SMS, or IVR request is received, the corresponding target service generates a response message and requests an advertising fragment from CBOSSadvt. In case the service is associated with a marketing campaign, a standard response will be delivered together with an ad.
A set of advertising fragments for each service may vary. Their presentation order depends on a fragment priority and the frequency of subscriber’s daily access to the service.
Advertising fragments are managed via a Web interface which enables adding new ads, editing and deleting advertising fragments, changing priorities, and setting up the ads delivery schedule.
The delivery schedule provides for a positive advertising impact. For instance, a response to a subscriber’s night request may contain ads with information about attractive night-time rates.
- Managing the list of advertising fragments for a service: adding/updating/deleting /including into mailing lists.
- Enabling/disabling advertising fragment messaging for the selected service;
- Setting priorities for advertising fragments depending on the frequency of the subscriber’s access to the service;
- Creating a schedule for advertising fragment delivery;
- SMS, USSD and IVR support.
CBOSSadvt needs integration with any service of the ASAP platform.
Operators enjoy the following benefits with CBOSSadvt;
- Additional revenue from advertising.
- Reduced time to engage subscribers in new campaigns, services, or rates.
- Mutually beneficial cooperation with third-party companies.
- Direct contact with consumers.