CBOSSbonus is a convenient and flexible tool to award loyal subscribers. The system offers such customers the opportunity to use discounts for the telco’s and partner products and services boosting customer acquisition and loyalty. Bonus programs make customers think: “The more I spend, the more I get”.
CBOSSbonus estimates objective loyalty parameters, such as subscriber longevity, profitability, timely payments, etc. If these values satisfy special parameters, bonus points are added to the customer’s bonus account. Having accumulated enough points, customers may use a discounted service.
- Loyalty- and value-based bonuses
- Limited-time discounts on one-off and periodic telephony services
- Different means of point spending:
in the Internet via CBOSSics
via CBOSSacc IVR
via customer care department
via SMS or USSD
- Manual bonus account adjustment
- Bonus account history
- Subscriber notification on operations with the bonus account
- Bonus point buying
- Bonus point transfer
- Bonus point expiration
- Support of joint bonus programs
- Joint bonus programs allow:
Unified bonus account creation
Bonus point spending on products and services from the telco’s partners
Unified price lists
Bonus point earning by purchasing goods and services from telco’s partners
CBOSSbonus seamlessly integrates with:
- CBOSSbcc Billing & Customer Care
- CBOSSics Internet Customer Service
- CBOSSacc Automatic Customer Care
To enable further ease-of-use, CBOSSbonus can be integrated with:
- SMSCs from different vendors, including CBOSSsms
- USSD messaging centers from various vendors, including CBOSSussd