CBOSSip is an IP mediation platform allowing integration of service-provisioning / service-delivering network entities with billing systems. Besides, it makes all device- and technology-specific details hidden from BSS which facilitates the integration.
As mediation between billing systems and networking equipment enabling data transfer CBOSSip platform is closely integrated with the billing system, analytical products, IVR and other CBOSS solutions, making this a full-featured convergent solution. CBOSSip can also operate as a stand-alone product which can be integrated with a third-party billing systems and network equipment due to its flexible billing file generation subsystem and support of standard protocols: LDAP, RADIUS, DIAMETER, SNMP, NETFLOW.
CBOSSip-based solution can be used not only by mobile operators providing 2.5/3G/4G (LTE) services but also traditional and broadband (WiFi, WiMAX, xDSL) operators, Triple Play and Quad Play operators which provides Fixed Mobile Convergence services.
CBOSSip is often installed as part of the CBOSS solution, but can also be used as a stand-alone platform which can:
- receive and store information (e.g., from OSS/BSS) about subscribers and their services;
- use that information when requested by network entities (e.g., NAS’es) in order to authenticate and authorize subscribers trying to access services;
- account information about service usage;
- provide the usage information in CDR files (e.g., in ASN.1 format) to postpaid subscribers;
- interact with DCCA (RFC4006) family DIAMETER-server to obtain quotas for prepaid subscribers (such interaction is described in 3GPP DIAMETER Gy reference point);
- control service provisioning on devices using RADIUS, SNMP and other, in some-cases proprietary, protocols (e.g., Cisco enhanced GTP’).
The main purpose of CBOSSip is to as much as possible hide from BSS device- and technology-specific integration details.
The most widely used part of CBOSSip is RADIUS AAA-subsystem. It supports various technologies (e.g., GPRS/EDGE, CDMA EV-DO 1x, DSL, WiFi) to control and account session based access to IP networks for both end customers and machines.
Flexibility of this subsystem allows it to interact with any network entities (e.g., NAS, LAC) capable of performing RADIUS based AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting).
The next best part of CBOSSip is CBOSSipPPC (PrePaid Controller). Despite of its name it’s also used for Content Postpaid Billing.
The main purpose of CBOSSipPPC component is to hide from DIAMETER-server as much as possible device integration specific details when IP services are to be provided in prepaid mode by such device. In some cases, CBOSSipPPC in conjunction with Cisco SSG/CSG2 allows integrating prepaid support into IP networks where such capability is missing.
Currently, CBOSSipPPC can interact with
- Cisco CSG/CSG2 using Cisco enhanced GTP’.
- Cisco SSG/ISG using RADIUS with Cisco VSA.
- 3GPP2 CDMA2000 Prepaid capable PDSN.
Postpaid IP Billing option gives provider the following opportunities for rating and management of packet data subscriber services in postpaid mode:
- flexible rating schemes enabling IP traffic account irrelevant of the data transfer environment: xDSL, WiFi, WiMAX, dedicated lines, DialUp, GPRS, CDMA, etc., and based on statistics received through RADIUS
- prevention of postpaid subscriber debt and loss possibility minimization by timely suspension of service
This option is famous for its high productivity and the excellent reliability of the incorporated subsystem of subscriber activity accounting.
Prepaid IP Billing option enables flexible prepaid charging that may take into account time of connection and various types of IP traffic: inbound, outbound, and prevailing. The option is technically built on the CBOSSip Internet Platform integration with equipment enabling real-time monitoring and quota-based limitation of high-speed data flows, transmitted through IP in broadband networks, by volume or duration.
Content Billing, including Content Prepaid Billing and Content Postpaid Billing options, ensures differentiated access to IP services and rating based on results of DPI analysis.
The solution enables a telecom operator to:
- charge IP services, by using the DPI analysis of traffic based on resource URL, protocols, applications, etc.;
- measure IP services in various units, for example, by volume of traffic consumed, duration of video watched or number of sent/received e-mail letters;
- organize centralized billing with unified logic of IP service provision and rating, irrelevant of the subscriber’s data network access technology, by using unified DPI node;
- ease integration with new content aggregators and content providers;
- ensure real time prepaid IP services with the Content Prepaid Billing option, payable from a single personal account, which is made possible because of interaction with OCS (for example, CBOSSprepaid/CBOSSrtb) via DIAMETER;
- provide for delivery and rating of postpaid IP services with the Content Postpaid Billing option loading and processing ASN.1 CDR files;
- effectively participate in price wars by setting an attractable pricing on some service(s) using low-cost traffic;
- provide prepaid data services for non-CAMEL networks.
Thus, use of CBOSSip-based content billing makes the system for rating the access to many network resources even more flexible, enables more attractive tariff offerings, boosts ARPU and the operator’s total revenue by considerably widening service range and attracting new subscribers by new IP-based services.
PCRF (Policy and Charging Rule Function) option enables management of QoS parameters and charging procedures, by adding subscriber and content awareness.
The solution offers telecom operators a tool for proactive response to general increase of IP traffic and optimization of network resource usage.
The CBOSSip PCRF features include:
- definition of policies of QoS and traffic filtering, as well as management of charging rules, depending on service type, subscriber profile, date/time, the subscriber’s/group’s total service consumption for a period, etc
- providing of QoS policy rules, traffic filtering and charging rules on networking equipment from the subscriber’s session start to the end, initiated either upon the PCEF (Policy & Charging Enforcement Function) request or by CBOSSip PCRF
- monitoring of the subscriber’s/group’s total service consumption for a period of time and adjusting of QoS parameters in order to implement offers with “Fair-usage policies”;
- control of access to network information resources: banning /restriction of access to resources, depending on resource type and subscriber category, parental control.
CBOSSip PCRF is most efficient when used with CBOSSip Content Billing and offered at the perfect price in this combinaition.
DIAMETER-translator option allows to integrate various networking equipment such as GGSN, SMSC, MMSC, with prepaid rater (OCS) when their interaction via DIAMETER is difficult or even impossible due to versions incompliance; DIAMETER-translator can also serve as a load balancer with automatic failover feature.
- higher ARPU, stemming from extended range of IP services and active promotion of new Internet services to the mass market.
- better existing subscribers loyalty and attraction of new subscribers through flexible tariffs and new quality IP service offerings.
- lower TCO, due to the efficient use of network resource, etc.