CBOSSisp is purpose-designed to support remote sales, customer registration and ongoing care via dialup or dedicated connection to the central database. This technology enables a full-scale remote office for dealers, service providers and telco’s branches. All the supported customer care operations are similar to those of CBOSSbcc Billing & Customer Care.
CBOSSisp features easy access and intuitive web interface enabling dealers to perform any transaction fast and effectively, while the system’s server side provides two-way data exchange with the billing system.
CBOSSisp is available in two configurations:
- Remote dealer
- Remote office
Remote Dealer
- Registration of contracts, accounts and service profiles
- Support of phone number portability
- Support of warranty replacement operations
- Sales of pre-activated SIM cards and prepaid scratch cards
- Inventory and contract reporting with the drill down option
- Support of subdealers
- Support of alphanumeric phone numbers
Remote Office
In addition to the remote dealer functions, the Remote Office supports:
- Balance enquiries, information on activated services, payments, etc
- Contract and account management
- Suspension/reconnection
- Activation/deactivation of services and service packages, tariff change
- SIM card replacement and phone number change
- Promised payments
- Cash and bankcard payments
- Extra billing procedures
- Management of account groups
- Enhanced mailing capabilities
- Closed user group (CUG) management (a commercial option)
- Customer SMS notification of the performed transactions
CBOSSisp easily integrates with CBOSSbcc Billing & Customer Care to enable an efficient dealer network (flexible commission fees for dealers, control of settlements, access control, etc.) The integration with CBOSSrtb Real-time Billing System enables CBOSSisp users to view and update service profiles and F&F numbers. CBOSSisp also integrates with Web Site Statistics to collect detailed statistics on requests to CBOSSisp, enabling the analysis of end user needs.
The integration with CBOSSbonus Bonus Management System enables the dealer to manage bonus points of their customers: browse bonus points and related services, spend bonus points, and more.
The integration with CBOSSacr Internet Cash Register and CBOSSbankAPI Offline Payment Collection via External Payment Systems provides users with efficient offline payment collection tools. CBOSSacr enables subscriber cash payments, while CBOSSbankAPI provides bankcard payments.