CBOSSota Over-the-Air Mobile Device Management

Struggling to keep and increase their market share and ARPU carriers ceaselessly offer new attractive services. However, these services are often difficult to market, and the handset configuration required for adequate interaction with telco’s equipment is one of the challenges. Besides, the majority of subscribers, except for the most young and tech-savvy are unwilling to go into configuration details, complicated parameters and figures.

CBOSSota addresses this challenge by automatically uploading the required settings to subscribers’ handsets. Using this system, subscribers can order service settings, confirm the download and enjoy new opportunities.


Subscribers can get the settings either filling in an order form on the telco’s website, or sending an SMS to the dedicated number. Using a web form, a subscriber specifies the service type (WAP, GPRS, e-mail, etc.), the handset model and the phone number. An SMS can be sent in a free form to the dedicated number of the corresponding service. CBOSSota processes the request and sends back the required configurations and instructions for their activation. As a rule, it is enough to confirm the download and select a required profile. CBOSSota supports all handsets compatible with basic standards such as Nokia/Ericsson. Over the Air Settings Specification or OMA Client Provisioning.

  • Web and SMS orders
  • Automatic download of settings for various services
  • Protection from unauthorized downloads

The CBOSSota operation is enabled by the integration with an SMSC, e.g. with CBOSSsms Short Message Service Center, enabling the order and reception of configuration SMS messages CBOSSota integrates with any billing system, including CBOSSbcc Billling & Customer Care, which enables the charging of download events CBOSSota’s web interface can be built into the telco’s Internet suite If the Internet system used by the operator supports user registration (e.g., as it is implemented in CBOSSics Internet Customer Service), it is possible to limit subscriber access to CBOSSota. In this case, remote download of service settings will be available to registered users only.

  • Higher revenue
  • Easy-to-use interface