CBOSSsmsRouter SMS Router

CBOSSsmsRouter is designed to integrate several SMSCs and provide a connection with external systems, such as Email servers, call centers, web applications, service and content platforms CBOSSsmsRouter creates a single SMS environment, synchronizing SMS services across the operator’s subnets, and allows fast deployment and update of SMS services With CBOSSsmsRouter, service providers can maximize their customer base and offer their services via a single entry point


  • Integration of multiple SMSCs via TCP/IP
  • Modifiable SMS parameters (source and destination numbers, delivery time, etc)
  • Provisioning of SMS services via a single entry point
  • To provide services across the whole subscriber base, multi-regional carriers connect service providers to the central CBOSSsmsRouter

Content and service providers can cooperate with multiple operators to maximize their subscriber bases

  • Unified charging
  • Collection and storage of data on provided services
  • Fast time-to-market

To implement a new SMS service, you just need to configure forwarding from regional SMSCs to CBOSSsmsRouter

  • Easy service management

Every SMS service runs on a single server enabling centralized management and service updates and ensuring high service reliability and QoS

  • Cost-efficient interconnection of regional subnetworks

CBOSSsmsRouter doesn’t generate unnecessary high-cost SS7 traffic SMS applications, CBOSSsmsRouter and SMSCs interact via SMPP

  • Higher network bandwidth

Flexible CBOSSsmsRouter’s rules provide the most efficient load sharing across SMSCs

  • Ease of implementation

CBOSSsmsRouter implementation does not require any change in the carrier’s infrastructure