Technology Demands
Hi-tech telecommunications business calls for solid educational background. Convergent billing, complex BSS/OSS infrastructure go far beyond settlements with subscribers. Rather, it embraces enterprise management information system, evolving CTI technologies, Internet services, TMN tools, etc. Making information-based decisions requires that data from the OSS level be converted and available in the form of aggregated analytical information, while decisions made should be consistently implemented across the enterprise. Extending the subject domain and automated processes, underlying rules and concepts are to be mastered to yield efficient utilization of tools provided.
Evolving and emerging technologies from CBOSS demand certain qualification from IT engineers who use and maintain the solution. On-the-job education, sharing of experience between colleagues is a possibility, but not the best way by far to maintain personnel qualification on the level. In fact, cutting costs on professional education jeopardizes efficiency and reliability of system performance, to say nothing of putting data integrity at risk, when turning a production instance into an educational tool.
Our Teachers
Professionalism and experience are horses of different colors – knowing and teaching are not the same. According to Helvetian, more intellect is required to convey ideas compared to just having ones. Non-teachers are guided only by their experience; at best scenario they communicate the facts they remember and consider worth communicating. In such cases this trains which buttons to press, while the essential knowledge that would allow deciding on what to do in almost every situation missing. Consequently, any situation the so-called teacher never experienced (or forgot to mention) would put their student in an ordeal, likely to result in heavy losses.
Acquiring systematic and comprehensive knowledge from the developer is your roadmap to success in business. Poor qualification of end-users is unlikely to leverage investment in hi-tech CBOSS products. Investment in user training, on the other hand, is quickly paid back through effective and efficient operation of a telecom enterprise