CBOSSmissedCall Missed Calls Notification Service

CBOSSmissedCall implements a popular service providing SMS- and e-mail notification of all missed calls.


On the mobile phone a service user configures event-based call diversion (busy, switched off, not responding, out of coverage, combined, or unconditional diversion) to CBOSSmissedCall. Receiving a call CBOSSmissedCall generates an SMS or e-mail alert. The calling party hears a standard response (e.g., “busy” tones, “out of coverage” voice message, etc.)

  • SMS/e-mail-notification of missed calls
  • Aggregated information on several missed calls in one SMS
  • Called party availability alerts by SMS
  • Configurable message text (format, language, content)
  • A variety of service management interfaces (WEB, IVR, SMS, USSD)
  • Flexible charging

The service may be provided for subscription fee, free of charge, or on pay-peruse basis In addition, all CBOSSmissedCall supports event-based charging, with records created after missed call alert generation or SMS delivery to the subscriber. Every registered missed call or alert may be charged.

  • Calling line identification presentation and restriction

CBOSSmissedcalled supports CLIP and CLIR functions.


CBOSSmissedCall integrates with any billing system, including CBOSSbcc Billling & Customer Care. The system integrates with CBOSSsms or a third-party SMSC supporting flexible configuration of SMS delivery reports CBOSSmissedCall’s web interface can integrate with CBOSSics Internet Customer Service.

  • Additional revenue

Missed call alerts usually encourage customers to return calls CBOSSmissedCall boosts billable outgoing voice traffic by 3-5%.

  • Missed call notification without additional load on expensive voice resources
  • Higher customer satisfaction, and acquisition of customers reluctant to miss important calls