Data mining and analysis usually require sophisticated SQL-queries and assistance from IT specialists.
CBOSS offers a business intelligence solution – CBOSSudr User Defined Reports designed to enhance data mining capabilities of CBOSSbcc users.
System Operation
CBOSSudr is built around semantic layers. A layer is a set of business notions from a certain area of the subject domain, for instance, payment and charge registration or bills.
CBOSSudr implements the distributed client-server architecture.
CBOSSudr includes software components with predefined semantic layers, standard reports, report launching shell and development tools for user defined reports based on predefined layers.
Key Features
- Defining business entity in reports
- Customizable data presentation, report appearance, and document structuring
- Wide range of data mining tools
- Multiple report distribution mechanisms
- Report creation by business users using factory predefined layersSemantic layers and intuitive GUI enable business users to create reports thus reducing enterprise expenses on assistance from IT specialists.
- Non-standard report layoutsQuick and easy reporting allow using CBOSSudr for non-standard report layouts.
- A corporate reporting systemCBOSSudr instruments allow applying a corporate style to all reports.